Simple changes now may make feek better and assist to reduce age related risk of chronic conditions.
My digestive symptoms were relieved within 4 weeks following Susan's dietary advice. Hot flushes minimised by week 6, and I no longer fear a reaction to mosquito bites.
With Susan's professional and easy to follow advice I feel invigorated again.
Many thanks. J. W.
My daughter Beth who has Down's syndrome has suffered with persistent unexplained constipation for over 20 years which has not responded well to standard treatments. Through the use of diet, digestive support and the exclusion of certain foods we have seen Beth's constipation become more under control than it has ever been. The treatments provided, combined with sessions of colonic Irrigation have also helped us see a marked improvement in Beth's communication. This improvement in communication has seen Beth understand the problem better and therefore take ownership of her own problem, D.H.
Contact Sue
Tel. 01283 210671
Mobile 07840712218
Services offered are not a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment
I was suffering bloating, stomach cramps, reflux and constant diarrhoea following meals. After various tests through my doctor I was given a diagnosis of 'irritable bowel'. Not satisfied with this I contacted Susan and following discussion made an appointment for myself and my mother to meet her. During the consultation it was suggested I undertake a test to look at the function of my gut and bacteria levels. Following the results of the bacterial test and my childhood history it was decided that dairy may possibly be the cause of digestive upset. Since cutting out dairy completely from my diet I no longer suffer from the symptoms above. Susan gave me an extensive list of web sites to look for dairy free brand options and where to buy them together with menu suggestions to make the process easier.
I am very grateful to Susan for her help in getting my life back on track. A.C.
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